Dr Priyanki R Vyas

Dr Priyanki R Vyasis a recipient of Sahitya Gaurav Sanman, presently she is an Associate Professor of Library and Information Science at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad. She is associated with about five national and international professional bodies and actively engaged in professional activities, library development, e-content development, e-resource management,   professional documentation, training, research, translation, editing, compilation, consultancy and social activities.   

She has been working as an academic library professional since 2005. Her area of interest is the computerization of academic librariesShe as a co-investigator has completed UGC funded Major Research Project entitled “Research in English (An Annotated Bibliography of the Doctoral Dissertations in English Subject Awarded by the University of Western Region)”. There are about 40 research papers and 19 books at her credit. She regularly contributes to T.V., Radio, e-resources, library management, websites and academic journals.